Fine Art Canvas Prints by Zeke K

Our advanced archival canvas printing method:

Each limited edition Giclee print is expertly printed from the master, 16 bit photograph files, with archival inks using an 8-pass, uni-directional pigment layering system on acid free Epson Premium Satin high resolution archival canvas.

The pigment is cured for a minimum of 24 hours before being individually coated with an acid free, UV, water resistant finish.

The finish is then baked for 48 hours to insure the greatest longevity for the art. Next the finished canvas is stretched by hand to museum standards.

Each print is then signed, numbered, obsessively over packaged, and shipped insured to you. Your print arrives Gallery Wrapped with the outside edge of each print painted black so there is no need for an additional frame. Just unpack and it’s ready to hang on your wall. Enjoy!

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